There's not much I can do to introduce this, I grabbed a random shirt I had in the closet free of any designs and decided to give it another go.
End product was more than acceptable I think; I sort of messed up the logo on the top-left due to me covering part of it accidentally with some paper. I also am going to be enlarging the design significantly because it's really small :S
I started off by drawing a heart by hand on a empty piece of paper; adding the KS bandage afterwards. Then I traced that onto a piece of old calender paper; turns out paper coated with plastic bends when wet, which is what I found out last time... So this time I took some heavy duty paper, non-coated and cut the design out. I now have a positive and negative "copy" of the design!
After that I grab my old bottle with a 50/50 mix of bleach and water. I find that your choice of spray bottle also makes a large difference...
I go ahead and pick a shirt; turns out the only thing I really had was a old long-sleeve shirt that's actually a little bit old (A bit too small for me.) This is really more for testing than wearing so I didn't really care. Anyway I proceed to flatten the shirt by hand as much as possible and then stick a piece of cardboard inside the shirt to make sure that the bleach doesn't bleed through to the other side when I start to bleach the shirt...
I head out to my rather dirty and possibly unsettling balcony and lay the shirt down. Making sure that I'm not stretching too much over the cardboard (We don't want a warped logo do we?) I acutally go ahead and use the "positive" cut-out because it's easier to visualize the end product like this rather than using the "negative" stencil. After I make my placement decision, I swap it out for the negative.
I just randomly grab a bunch of used paper and go to town with the sprayer, take note on how high I am, I was making sure that I was soaking the stencil as lightly as possible; I let it sit for a little bit. I acutally sprayed myself with alot bleach due to a sudden wind-draft.
It's done! Now take in mind this really was a practice run; you'll notice in the photo below there's a little dark spot or something on the left-top-corner of the heart. That's because I accidentally left one of the pieces of paper too close and it prevented from any bleach landing in that area; so I just dabbed my fingers in some random pools of the bleach mixture that settled on the stencil and sort of rubbed in to compensate.
A quick wash by hand in the sink and then a trip to the dryer, gives the final result. Not too bad considering this barely cost anything and took barely 10 minutes (Discluding drying time). Not to mention that if you would've ordered a shirt like this online you would be doing it with digital shirt printing technology which tends to fade away by itself; bleach designs never go away...
I think the third time will be the charm. I'm working on some other designs; using KS girls, not just the logo. Expect to see some kind of special event from me involving KS and shirts sometime in the future.